Monday, December 6, 2010

Shutterfly Gems

I so love the website Shutterfly. If you have never used Shutterfly, I would encourage you to check it out. I was introduced to Shutterfly a little over a year ago when a friend gave me a code for a free 8x8 album. I used it to make one for Adair's 1st year and was hooked! She now loves to look at "her" book and comment on the pictures. Check them out at . The ease of creating such a memorable book was amazing! There were so many choices for page design and layouts. I immediately began on working on 12x12 albums for Christmas presents for each set of grandparents (and of course, one for ME). I also created our Christmas cards in 2009 and they turned out beautifully.

I already knew that I was going to make another album for the grandparents this year. These are such memorable keepsakes and I know they cherish them. I just placed my order for these beautiful books and can't wait to get them back! I have received most orders in less than a week, even during the bustling Christmas season!

When I think back to all the time and moolah that I invested in scrapbooking materials, I cringe. Now my biggest problem is finding time to sit down and work on the books. Now that my sweet baby is on the move, ME TIME does not happen often. I have several folders ready to be turned into books and can't wait to work on those over the Christmas break! I also want to try out the calendar as my next project.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Annistyn turns 1

How cute is this cake?

I truly am going to try to do better with this blogging if only to help me remember these times when the girls are grown. Annistyn turned 1 on October 28, but we celebrated on the 23 because of Halloween. I ordered her the cutest Minnie Mouse cake from Heather Petersen at Slice at a Time. She did a fabulous job! Annistyn looked adorable (in my opinion) in her Minnie dress and had a wonderful time.

The cutest smash cake!


Where does the time go????

It seems like my sweet baby was a newborn and now she is ONE. Let me go back a bit. Annistyn had her surgery for a tethered spinal cord on July 12, 2010. I think it was the scariest thing I have ever faced, but she did great! Kids truly are tough! Her neurosurgeon said she has a small chance of it retethering. We are so thankful!!! Two weeks after her surgery I went back to work after 9 months off. It was hard, but I survived. We have been blessed with a wonderful person to take care of Annistyn during the day. She adores Ms. Rhonda and has really become more social since she started staying away from me a little. I will be posting about Annistyn's 1st birthday and Disney World SOON!!!!