Monday, December 6, 2010

Shutterfly Gems

I so love the website Shutterfly. If you have never used Shutterfly, I would encourage you to check it out. I was introduced to Shutterfly a little over a year ago when a friend gave me a code for a free 8x8 album. I used it to make one for Adair's 1st year and was hooked! She now loves to look at "her" book and comment on the pictures. Check them out at . The ease of creating such a memorable book was amazing! There were so many choices for page design and layouts. I immediately began on working on 12x12 albums for Christmas presents for each set of grandparents (and of course, one for ME). I also created our Christmas cards in 2009 and they turned out beautifully.

I already knew that I was going to make another album for the grandparents this year. These are such memorable keepsakes and I know they cherish them. I just placed my order for these beautiful books and can't wait to get them back! I have received most orders in less than a week, even during the bustling Christmas season!

When I think back to all the time and moolah that I invested in scrapbooking materials, I cringe. Now my biggest problem is finding time to sit down and work on the books. Now that my sweet baby is on the move, ME TIME does not happen often. I have several folders ready to be turned into books and can't wait to work on those over the Christmas break! I also want to try out the calendar as my next project.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Annistyn turns 1

How cute is this cake?

I truly am going to try to do better with this blogging if only to help me remember these times when the girls are grown. Annistyn turned 1 on October 28, but we celebrated on the 23 because of Halloween. I ordered her the cutest Minnie Mouse cake from Heather Petersen at Slice at a Time. She did a fabulous job! Annistyn looked adorable (in my opinion) in her Minnie dress and had a wonderful time.

The cutest smash cake!


Where does the time go????

It seems like my sweet baby was a newborn and now she is ONE. Let me go back a bit. Annistyn had her surgery for a tethered spinal cord on July 12, 2010. I think it was the scariest thing I have ever faced, but she did great! Kids truly are tough! Her neurosurgeon said she has a small chance of it retethering. We are so thankful!!! Two weeks after her surgery I went back to work after 9 months off. It was hard, but I survived. We have been blessed with a wonderful person to take care of Annistyn during the day. She adores Ms. Rhonda and has really become more social since she started staying away from me a little. I will be posting about Annistyn's 1st birthday and Disney World SOON!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh Heavens

I haven't written anything in 5 months and so much has happened. My nephew, Cash Reed arrived on October 6, 2009. Then on October 28 we welcomed a beautiful little girl. Annistyn Paige arrived weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and measuring 17 inches long. She had a headful of beautiful black hair and in my opinion was a gorgeous baby. Adair loves her little sister and I know they will be best friends! We made it through Jason going to Hawaii for 2 weeks when Annistyn was a month old. I gained a whole new respect for single moms. We had our 1st Christmas as a family of 4 and it was wonderful! The only downer was having to miss Christmas at Momma and Papa's because Adair had tonsillitis. That was the sickest she had ever been an we were all worried. A few weeks after that, Annistyn had RSV. Needless to say, for several weeks we only left the house to go to the doctor. Adair turned 3 in January and had a Backyardigans party. I think that brings everything from Annistyn's 1st 6 months up to date for the most part. I will get to the rest next time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cash Reed

My new nephew Cash Reed will enter the world tomorrow.  His older brother Cohen and Adair are a year apart.  He and Annistyn will be 3 WEEKS apart.  Needless to say, this Christmas should be extra exciting.  I am anxious to see how Cohen reacts to his new brother.  He seems excited now, but may feel differently once he has to share the attention.  Even though Adair is a year older than Cohen, I am guessing that her reaction will be very similar to his.  My goal this week is to sit down with the new computer and camera and upload new pictures.  We'll see if that happens??????

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's official, Annistyn Paige will join our family on October 28, 2009. Having a scheduled c-section has its advantages. We picked the 28th because Jason's birthday (June) and our anniversary(July) are on the 28th. We are all excited and I am a little nervous about how to manage 2. Adair has been such an easy baby/toddler. I am hoping for an easy time again. This pregnancy had been a lot harder than my first one, yet the time seems to have flown by. I was diagnosed at 21 weeks with a low placenta, but thankfully it has moved up. Now we are just praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. My last day of work will be October 2 and I am looking forward to spending time with my "big" girl before the baby arrives.

A few early pictures of my first baby!

Boy does time fly!!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Potty Time

Guess who used the potty today.....Adair was so proud of herself.  My mother in law put her on the potty when she awoke from her nap and she tinkled.  They clapped and cheered.  She was so proud of herself.  Jason picked her up today and I met them at the car.  She said "I potty Mommy".  Hopefully she will stay this excited and potty training will go smoothly.  I bought 2 potty seats that attach to the toilet so she can use the same kind at home and at her grandparents' house.   Here are a couple of pictures of my big girl.  Please excuse the hair, we are both getting a haircut tomorrow.